Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Can Democrats Get Loud and Fearless??

Interesting article by Bob Cesca who blogs for the Huffington Post. I found it to be so true in how he characterizes the Republican I read it, besides the many conservative acquaintances I've had over the year, two people immediately came to mind, Limbaugh and Beck...

Mouse over the title and it will take you to the link I noted on the Huff Post...R Dean

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Is it ever going to stop??

Took this about an hour after clearing out a foot of snow...shows you how fast it accumulates when the wind is blowing at over 15 mph and how intense the wind is, check out the imprint of the door in the snow! Awesome!!

I love my Sorel's...(if you look closely, you can see the Sorel icon in the middle) they keep my feet warm AND dry, while providing outstanding traction in the snow! Another "must have" out in the country during the winter time!

We have been under a winter storm warning since about 12am this morning and it is predicted to last until 6am tomorrow morning. I left work early today because the weather was so bad, the roads were even worse, barely any pavement visible through the blowing snow...welcome to February in Wisconsin! Once home, I was greeted by over a foot of snow where I usually park the F150 which meant "tractor time"! The snow was easy work for the tractor, but the problem is where to put it...we're running out of room to pile it up. The loader can lift up to about 7 feet in the air, but the piles are pushing the height limit of the loader, so I am having to be creative in finding new places to dump the white stuff, while thinking strategically, because sooner than is going to melt, so it needs to have plenty of room to drain...But for now, I'll just keep re-distributing the white stuff and worry about the melt-off when it comes!

R Dean

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Saturday morning chatter...

Woke up to MORE SNOW!!! Had to dig my way out of the garage, the four legger's just blasted through it!

Today's weather is really weird, it's snowing, but big patches of blue sky. The temperature is 20 degrees "feels like" 8 degrees according to The Weather Channel with 9 mph winds, but I think when snow is flying parrallel to the ground...might be a bit more gusty than that!

We keep saying that we need to invest in wind power out here...the wind NEVER stops blowing! Interestingly enough, on my way to the office, there is a home that just installed one (probably about an 80 or 90 footer) and I heard through the grapevine that the guy is a dealer, so I may stop by there and check out what they have regarding information on that technology.

If anyone can share there insight on wind technology, please...we're all ears!!

Later...R Dean

Friday, February 5, 2010

A frigid Friday night...

Just came in from taking the four legger's out and it's nasty out there. The temperature is 31 degree's with the wind coming out of the NNE at 14 mph with gusts up to 28 mph, resulting in a "feels like" temperature of 20 degrees! "Feels like" translated into meterological terms is "wind chill"...Thank goodness the wood stove is stoked!

The four legger's love the snow, of which we got a couple more inches this week, adding to the cliff's of snow breeding on our property. It's not like I "don't" like snow, it's more like, is Spring here yet? This is going to be a very messy Spring...Can't wait until the snow starts to melt, the four legger's will be getting hosed off everytime they go out...shhhhh...but they don't know it yet though!

Well, enough about that! Time to go peruse some blogs...
