Well, according to "me"...unsolicited political campaigning via telephone is no different than an unsolicited call from somebody trying to sell you "something"!!! In Wisconsin, we can sign up to be on the "no call" list...but apparently, politician's are exempt from following the law...Oh well, am I surprised??? Hell no...!!!
But, everytime we get one of these annoying calls, I cannot help but recall one of the funniest prank calls I have heard, thanks to Tom Mabe, a somewhat regular comedian on the Bob and Tom syndicated radio show which we listen to from time to time...
I hope you enjoy his humor...maybe my sense of humor is warped, but how funny would it be if some right wing (okay...left wing too) conservative called somebody up and got involved in this kind of phone conversation...I hope some day I will have the wit to pull something like this off on a telemarketer...
Friday, October 29, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Keeping up the latest tradition...
which is posting about once a week...
Had a productive day in the garden Sunday, we pulled out most of the remaining vegetation, including about a half-dozen "huge" sunflower stalks, for which I had to dig out with my shovel!!! We'll think twice about where we plant them next year...Only have a few piles to toss in the compost and the weeds will get tossed into my "infamous" burn pile that WILL get burned this year!!!
Jan took some awesome pics of some Bluebirds last week...I'll be uploading some even better shots of them to some of the photo sites to see if they will earn her a prize or something!!!
Can't wait for the end to Day Light Savings Time, even though it will mean getting up even earlier to take advantage of some extra light...Right now, I am lucky to get an hour after work by the time I get home...but hey, at least I have an hour of sunlight to enjoy, so looking at it that way, I'm lucky!!!
Had a productive day in the garden Sunday, we pulled out most of the remaining vegetation, including about a half-dozen "huge" sunflower stalks, for which I had to dig out with my shovel!!! We'll think twice about where we plant them next year...Only have a few piles to toss in the compost and the weeds will get tossed into my "infamous" burn pile that WILL get burned this year!!!
Jan took some awesome pics of some Bluebirds last week...I'll be uploading some even better shots of them to some of the photo sites to see if they will earn her a prize or something!!!
Can't wait for the end to Day Light Savings Time, even though it will mean getting up even earlier to take advantage of some extra light...Right now, I am lucky to get an hour after work by the time I get home...but hey, at least I have an hour of sunlight to enjoy, so looking at it that way, I'm lucky!!!
Swooping in for a fat tadpole dinner...
Well, they're not on a telegraph line Elton, but will the bird bath suffice???
Hey...listen to me...when the two legger tells us to lay down, I'm going to sit....heheheheee...
50 degrees outside and Nitschke boy still finds it refreshing to play in his pool...
Garden clean-up day...sunflowers still standing tall and mighty. in the background...
Who needs night vision goggles...I eat carrot's...
Do you see the size of that root system...???
Sunflowers down along with the fence line...we're gettin' er done!!!
Until next week or perhaps sooner...Peace my friend...R Dean
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Well, I'm happy to report...SIX eggs today...okay, do the math...hmmm...six pullet's = six egg's!!! YEAH!!! What an accomplishment!!! We do have six "normal" pullet's after all...
With the deterioration of our "ever so" precious sunlight, it is all I can do to get things done after work!!! In addition to taking care of the chicks, feeding them, watering them, reading to them...LOL, I have been putting in an hour or so of "tractor time", for which really makes me respect farmer's even more!!! Good thing for headlights!!! Have I ever said...geez...I wish I could be a farmer...what a cool life that would be...
Okay, enough of my "rambling"...
Here are some pictures...because without pictures...you know what that means... ;-)
With the deterioration of our "ever so" precious sunlight, it is all I can do to get things done after work!!! In addition to taking care of the chicks, feeding them, watering them, reading to them...LOL, I have been putting in an hour or so of "tractor time", for which really makes me respect farmer's even more!!! Good thing for headlights!!! Have I ever said...geez...I wish I could be a farmer...what a cool life that would be...
Okay, enough of my "rambling"...
Here are some pictures...because without pictures...you know what that means... ;-)
Watch this...I can juggle three eggs...with one hand!!!
A "Black Capped Chickadee" that thinks all the food is his/hers...???
Oh look!!!...more leaves to rake up!!!
Color's of Fall, without having to leave home!!!
And this time with an old barn and silo in the picture...COOL!!!
This ain't trick photography...the pond is reflectin' the Fall colors...
Playing around again with manual settings...
Deck monkey's...
Okay...have popcorn...need movie...geez...our chicken's eat good!!!
Your's truly..."not" fittin' in with my camo-hat, Tractor Supply t-shirt and jean's with burn holes in 'em!!! But at least I wasn't wearing a Bear's jersey in Malone, WI...Give me an f'ing break!!!
I'm contemplating using this for my next album cover...Thoughts???
Or maybe this one...
1/2 bushel of apples $16...beats the hell out of equivalent in-store cost of $35 plus (at $1.49 a pound)...I love livin' in the country!!!
Until later...Peace R Dean ;-P
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Foggy Sunday morning...
Woke up this morning to a wall of fog surrounding us...there is something about fog in the country, mostly in the morning...it just looks so pristine...
Along with the comforting fog, we had three dogs anxious to get outside and eat fresh rabbitt poop, and seven chicken anxious to leave the confines of their coop, one of which continues to get more and more vocal every morning BEFORE there is even a hint of sunlight!!!
Enjoy your Sunday, I plan to putz around the property today...I would start a list of what I need to get done, but then I would feel accountable to make sure I got everything done that I wrote down...nah...I'll pass on that one!!!
Along with the comforting fog, we had three dogs anxious to get outside and eat fresh rabbitt poop, and seven chicken anxious to leave the confines of their coop, one of which continues to get more and more vocal every morning BEFORE there is even a hint of sunlight!!!
Been playing around with manual settings versus always using automatic...
Jan took all of these this morning...and more!!!
Enjoy your Sunday, I plan to putz around the property today...I would start a list of what I need to get done, but then I would feel accountable to make sure I got everything done that I wrote down...nah...I'll pass on that one!!!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Call it what you may...
Fall or Autumn, regardless, we finally got into the low 30's, not down to freezing but pretty darn close...which resulted in this beginning of a beautiful sunrise...had to scrape the truck window's off yesterday morning...ahhh, Fall/Autumn weather in Wisconsin!!!
Sun rising above the corn rows...with traces of fog in the low lying area's...
Our normal daily take...4 eggs, 6 pullets...hmmm...the math ain't addin' up folks!!!
Russell Crow struttin' in his pad with two of his girls...
My "make-shift" egg trampoline, out of netting...if this works to save the egg that keeps getting layed at night, I'll build a more sturdy version with legs...
Sunflower party...

Should we be worried about the black spots on Russell's comb??? Does anyone know what it is and why the comb looks like this???
Peace...R Dean
(aka...non-blog rambler today)
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