Yesterday morning, we were still in the single digits in the morning...according to The Weather, we were at 2 degrees with a wind chill of -10 degrees when we were up and about yesterday!!! The dogs don't seem to mind it though...but then again, they're labradors, so I guess that explains that!!!
The chicken's definitely realize how cold it has been...typically, they try and come outside when I open their large door to go inside to feed them...but not the last few days...they didn't even show any interest in going outside...and who said chicken's are dumb??? Not me!!! Inside the coop, it has gotten down to 0 degree's, even with the heat lamp that I keep on 24/7...I rolled up some foam and have been covering up the air vent at night to trap the heat inside the coop, so hopefully they appreciate that!!! Russell crows at us when we are inside the coop feeding them, so I take that as a "thank you"!!! I have also been adding additional pine shavings and not removing any because I read that their droppings will compost, thereby generating some additional heat...I continue to learn...
And finally, if you didn't already know....The Packer's are heading to the Super Bowl again!!! Couldn't have been a better team to beat than our friends down South, Da Bears!!!
Just give me a comfy couch, the t.v. remote and I'm happy Molly...
One of many looks from Maggy...This one is her "curious" look...
Would someone please tell Molly to give me back my orange ball PLEASE!!!
Molly tackling Nitschke in the snow...pre-orange ball removal from mouth move...
Frisbee time...I'm such a ham...
Our mini-egg...
Part of our small flock enjoying some sunshine and leg stretching...