Monday, August 23, 2010

Nitschke officially meets our neighbors...before we do!!!

Yesterday, my greatest fear became reality!!! Nitschke heard our new neighbors and bolted through the woods, barking up a storm all the way there, preparing to welcome them or perhaps warn them of his impending assault on their Sunday afternoon peace and quiet!!! Embarrassed, I ran after him, hearing him bark so loudly it was echoing in the trees...I can't recall exactly what I said in the heat of that frantic embarrassing moment, but the likelihood it may be a word or two deemed inappropriate language for my blog is a high probability...I went down the back trail, hoping to see him and them not see me running after him (because I am a short fat guy, so running is not my strong suit), then I saw the neighbor walking back toward their home with her dog clutched in her arms...I could only offer a "sorry about everything okay???" Her response..sure!!! Not really a convincing response but it could have been much worse I suppose...By that time, Nitschke must have realized that he was in deep doo-doo and bee lined it back home...He got time out in the kennel for thirty minutes...

I didn't know I wasn't suppose to go to the neighbors house...


  1. Who couldnt love a face like that?

  2. Oh, how could you punish the wittle puppy. He didn't mean it. lol

  3. Denise, behind that loveable face is a little devil dog...hehehe...

  4. SFG, our dogs have it made...punishment is time out in the kennel and no treat...LOL

  5. Hunde....that is Nitschke's "did I do something wrong" face....LOL

