Monday, July 27, 2009

Mother Earth News article

If you get a chance, check out this article about Joel Salatin. I found it an interesting read.


  1. Joel Salatin used to be in this area. But the laws here were so strict, he moved his operation.

    He has lots of great ideas. He's learning as well. Always trying new things, not satisfied with accepting the status quo of what he is told. Love his stuff.


  2. Faith, thanks for commenting.

    So he moved his entire operations? Wow, that must have been a huge set back for him. His article was very informative but at the same time, scary when he talked about supermarket food and how bad it is for us to consume. Last year we were given the opportunity to purchase a 1/4 of a cow from our neighbor who raises 3 to 4 cows per year. We can look across the road and see what he feeds his stock, and it is 100% forage. :-)

    R Dean

  3. Yes, he did. But he didn't have quite as much going on at the time. He was just becoming known outside of this area.

    If you can get hold of pasture fed beef, do it. :)


  4. Faith, now I'm not sure...according to JD, they are grain fed?? As I understand pasture fed, it is exactly that, the cow are "free range" and eat off the land, correct?

    R Dean

  5. Home grown beef is going to be better than feed lot beef in any case, but yes, pasture fed is better than grain fed. Do some reading up on pasture fed farm animals and you'll see the incredible difference.

    Just let animals grow as God intended them to and the food you get from them is much healthier. The more interference, the less healthy it is.


