Monday, July 27, 2009

A nice light drizzle...

Both of us eat REALLY well! :-)

Preparing to transplant Sunflower's from pots to garden

Ahhh...what a BEAUTY!
As I sit at the computer, contemplating what to write, we are getting a nice light steady drizzle, which is good news for our garden. The severe weather is to our South, so we should be spared. Hopefully the storm's severity is minor and does not produce any crop destroying hail nor property damage in its path.

Yesterday, we worked in the garden for about an hour, pulling weeds and harvesting our first batch of spinach, more lettuce, more radishes and finally, our first zucchini! We're planning to marinate it and grill it tomorrow night. Can't wait to get back down to the garden to see what else is ready to be harvested!

JD thinned out some of our veggies and I added them to our compost bin which is steaming really nicely this year. To my surprise, when I dug into the bin, I uncovered two healthy Garter snakes that were pushing the length envelope of 28". One escaped my grasp but I managed to grab the other one and safely relocated him to the soy bean field where hopefully he will continue to enjoy his life, human being free. It is not hard to believe that the compost bin is a prime habitat for snakes, considering that all sorts of bugs and worms are drawn to the decomposition process. After looking at the size of the two snakes, I could tell they eat quite well! But hey, who am I to talk, right? LOL ;-)


  1. Hope you enjoy your zucchini. Nothing beats the taste of the first zucchini of the season. Except maybe the tomato. Or the pepper. Or the...

    I bet JD is glad that YOU found the snakes and not her!

  2. Tracey, she "tolerates" my admiration for reptiles, I guess that is the best way to put it! LOL. She was kind enough to take the picture, even if she had to put the camera into its highest zoom to do so! LOL again.

    Hopefully tonight we will have the zucchini. She marinates them and cooks them on the grill, they are SO good that way! Please share any special recipes you have for preparing them.

    R Dean

