Hey folks..it's been raining..sometimes hard, sometimes soft since we awoke this morning at 3:40am from loud claps of thunder and eye piercing lightning..but it continues to be steady nonetheless. We're loving the precipitation, it does wonders for the soul, not to mention our garden, which by the way, I haven't checked on yet today. Our biggest fear is hail..it can devastate a garden! I don't think it hailed, typically we can distinguish the sounds of heavy rain versus hail, and I pray it was only heavy rain this morning, but I'll keep you posted.
Upon opening up the garage and meandering out in the light drizzle this morning, I was happy to discover our rain
barrel's were over flowing, so more free water for the inside vegetation and good
drinkin' water for the girls. If I was to guess, I would say we have gotten at least 2-3"! Which further supports the need for some weather gage apparatus on the farm.
The boys don't mind the rain, thunder or lightning, they go out regardless of the weather. But the girls on the other hand, they are fair weather "creatures", they "hate" the thunder, however, according to Maggy, a rain bath is much better than a hose bath any day of the week, but second only to a swim in a pond! Speaking of ponds, it's supposed to get up into the 90's tomorrow, so I need to give our neighbor a call today and ask permission to let the girls go down to his pond for an afternoon swim to keep their black coats cool!
R Dean