Monday, August 31, 2009

Dogs with balls....

Maggy guarding her stash of tennis balls!

It's a rare moment when Molly doesn't have something in her mouth!

Caught in the act...Nitschke with Bucky's tennis ball...

Bucky pouting because Nitschske just took his new tennis ball...

Molly posing for the camera in the kitchen...

As you can see, our dogs LOVE tennis balls...


  1. Our little house dogs love them too! The one hides it under her chin all the time. We have walnut trees and she was in heaven!!lol all those balls just lying around.... Till she got a taste of it!!LOL But she still carried it around just couldnt figure out where that flavor was coming from!!Lol

  2. Tonia, aren't dogs fun? These are the first labs that we have owned, prior to them was a beagle, who was the ultimate "couch potato"! Lab's love to carry things around in their mouths, preferrably balls, but sticks are a close second!

    Have a great day!

  3. I have a friend whose lab will go to their neighbors and get anything and everything off of their porch. Their neighbor has had to come over and ask for his muddy boots quite often. lol Labs are soooooo funny.

  4. SFG, well let me tell you a (his picture is on our blog), the father of Nitschke and Bucky, who lives on the farm across the road from us has stolen soooo much off our back deck..Let's see, besides taking a pair of Jan's hiking boots and devouring them (valued at at about $100), he took a pair of our garden shears which had cutting blades of about 15"...that would have made a great picture seeing him carrying those...let's see, a glove now and then, and usually only ONE glove, he can't take the pair..nah...too easy! lol and who knows how many toys from Maggy and Molly's toy box on the deck...Oh have something to laugh about..right?

