Hey folks, I'm beginning to think it's true, Wisconsin only has three seasons, Spring, Fall and Winter! It's currently a "balmy" 56 degrees, overcast with wind gusts at 21mph...a typical day that we see in October, not August! Hey, I can't complain, I spent 31 years living in FL and I enjoy this more than the constant heat and humidity!
Today we plan to go to the county fair. I'm excited to learn about chickens so that will be my main focal point, although I do enjoy looking at the other livestock too! My plan is to build a coop first, before the first snowfall and then introduce chickens in early Spring. Not sure what breeds to get, but I figure I can aske a bunch of questions today! I heard Rhode Island Reds thrive in this type of climate.
I'll take pictures...
Peace..R Dean
PS. Couldn't resist another sunrise picture...you know me and sunrises! :-)
ReplyDeleteRIR should do very well with you. When you make roosts, don't make them out of metal, use wood. :)
I love the Autumn season, but seems like the whole growing season few past and we hardly got anything done! ZZZZZIP------------------> !
I think it was a rather cold season every where. We even had a cold snap down here in Alabama (60's) that's a cold snap right? I'm originally from PA so know all about cold and heat and humidity. We are going to get chickens as well but need to wait until we get a fence as we live in a subdivision, dont think the neighbors would welcome them in their backyards although they might have kept down the june bug and Japanese beetle population this year. Man, were they bad and just loved our raspberries. I hate june bugs...
ReplyDeleteLove your sunsets and sunrises too!
Faith, thanks for confirming that RIR's should work up here. Why not metal, too cold? I see that Tracey used pvc in hers. I was planning to use wood, as I have seen pictures of many coops, all of them with wood roosts.
ReplyDeleteWe didn't make it to the fair yesterday, bad weather..so today we plan to go.
I agree with time zipping past, there is never enough time to accomplish everything you need to do! :-)
Denise, thanks so much for dropping by and thanks for the compliment on my pics, I love taking pictures and with a digital camera, there is virtually no cost to take as many as you want!
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your chickens. Please keep me posted and I'll do the same, I'm always interested in learning from others experiences. Will you need to get any special permits?
I'm really getting excited about the whole idea of being able to get our own fresh eggs! :-)
We used the PVC because we had a bunch extra from a couple of other projects we did. The chickens seem to like it. We rubbed the PVC with sandpaper so it wouldn't be too slick and the girls seem to like it.
ReplyDeleteTemps here are 70's during the day and low 50's at night. It's heaven!
It's been crazy, hasn't it? I worry about an early killing frost; I haven't gotten any decent tomatoes yet, either. 55 degrees out today!
ReplyDeleteTracey, I remembered from your pics. Got some good idea's for the warming box once we get the chicks. I can easily convert the whelping box into what I need!
ReplyDeleteMaybe with the extended weekend forthcoming, I can start the coop!
Daisy, thanks for stopping by! Yes, Jan and I are really worried about an early frost. Her tomatoes are not ready yet, and she has a lot of them this year...keeping our fingers crossed that it will hold off for another two to three weeks!