Sunday, August 30, 2009

Thanks to Sandy at American Way Farm (and her patience for a HTML/Javascript for Dummies person like me)...I was able to add this to my gadget list (see upper right of my blog). Everyone, please check this out, very interesting insight regarding you and I farming in the future...

Sandy..BTW, how do I get a picture of the link to show up like on your blog???

Thanks a million....R Dean


  1. Definitely something to be informed about!!! When they came to Missouri to try and talk to the farmers about it. The Farmers were very upset!! The One Hog Farmer that was for it was Booed until he left the meeting.

  2. Thanks for posting this. I first heard about NAIS on a really great podcast, the link to which I will get and send to you, if you're interested. I don't have animals, yet, but really freaked out about the implications of NAIS.

    In the meantime, I'll locate the link to the podcast.

  3. Faith, from what I have gathered thus far with "minimal" insight on my behalf on this subject matter, it "appears" to be yet another example of "big brother" tactics...

  4. Tonia, exactly and that is my objective, to understand and be informed. As I understand it to be now, there is no "law" stating you have to register but they highly recommend it. Nor is there a "cost" at this time..more to come, so I guess we'll stay tuned!

  5. Conny, thanks, I would like to get the link...the more I learn the better informed I'll be!

  6. I just sent you the link, and a somewhat long-winded e-mail. In the podcast, Wisconsin is specifically mentioned, so just for that reason, you may be especially interested. Good luck.

