Monday, March 7, 2011

Mentally exhausting day...

Have you ever had one of those days? You plan on getting a lot accomplished, have a few meetings, then you plan to hunker down in your office and focus on completing projects that have those stupid past due flags appearing in Outlook...My day started out like that, and then WHAM!!! In a matter of an hour I was on an entirely different path, not my own doing, and not a bad one, just different than I had intended...Change is good!!! Change is good....But at the end of the day, I was mentally exhausted...and frustrated that I got nothing accomplished that I had intended to get done...Arghhhh....Seems more and more reminiscent of the days of late...

So anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!!! Not much more to say...I know...BORING!!! Would yah get a life???

The chicken's NEW feed pan!!! Now that is news the chickens!!! Look at that food...they eat like Kings and Queens...

One of the girls just can't refrain from getting "inside" the pan, while the others look on in total disbelief!!! PLEASE don't poop in there Missy!!!

Wall of still hasn't melted!!! Send heat...PLEASE!!!

Molly...Queen of the Snow Hill...

Somebody got Nitschke's BALL!!!...nahnahnahnah...

Monday, February 21, 2011

Drifts...Real Big Drifts!!!

A few video's to see what "getting hammered" in Wisconsin looks like, contrary to what most envision, which is a tailgate party at a Packers game, drinking beer and eating brats (in excess)!!! I suppose that probably is actually the better of the two visions!!!

I have not even tried to start digging out yet...instead, I'm hunkered down and working from home today. I will have to start the "dig" later today!!! Hopefully, the wind will have subsided a bit so as not to envelope us again in record setting snow drifts!!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Hammered AGAIN!!!

No, not's the weather hammering us AGAIN!!! And to think we actually could see about half of our property yesterday without any snow on the ground!!! What a tease Mother Nature is these days...Well, that vision is history!!! It's 31 degrees outside with a windchill of 19 degrees, wind is gusting between 35-40 mph and snow is blowing is life in Wisconsin, but seriously, is Spring ever coming???

AH HA!!!...Maggy's the culprit, captured in the act of un-stuffing the stuffed animals...and to think we were blaming Prince Nitschke!!!

Molly sunbathing next to one of her toys she lost somewhere in the snow and has now "re-discovered" after the thaw... that REALLY grass???

Molly, enjoying some chew time...hmmm...did you take that stick from the wood pile???

An emerging landscape no longer consumed in snow...

What exposed grass we have will be short lived...

Made it through another winter...there is still hope for this little guy!!! 

Nitschke eyeing his orange and blue ball...what else???

Undivided attention...


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sloppy, Sloppy Sunday...

The end to the week brought us very warm temperatures (well, warm is a relative term I suppose) I type, it is 42 degrees outside, with winds gusting up to 39 mph...With the warmer weather today came sloppy conditions outside...The snow is melting! The snow is melting! But who's complaining...not me!!! I hope this is the precursor to Spring arriving shortly!!! The dogs wouldn't agree with me, they LOVE the snow and of course, their snow baths...Maggy continues to try and convince me that since she takes so many snow baths all winter, she doesn't need baths during the summer!!!  hehehehe...

A little visitor closes in toward my coffee mug...not sure if it was for the warmth or because the graphic of foilage on the mug was inviting???

Second cord of wood was delivered Friday...

Stack one...

Stack two (inside the garage for quick access)...

Stack three in the out building...hopefully this cord will last us well into next Winter!!!

Job completed!!!

Snack time...

Here is a picture of snow melting into slush, which will turn into ice overnight, which will be the cause of me slipping and busting my ass tomorrow morning!!! pictures of that!!!

Please, please, PLEEEEEEEASE throw the ball for me!!!

Sensational sunset...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Back again...

I thought I could keep up with some "blogging consistency"...but it proved too daunting of a task!!! But, realistically, there hasn't been too much to blog about except football and the damn weather, both of which probably will bore most!!! So that being said, I'll keep it short and sweet...

The Packers won Super Bowl 45!!! Go Pack!!!...

And the weather...ahhhh...yes, the weather!!! Gloomy, cold, windy, snowy, icy weather...You know it is really cold when your fingers start to "sting" even though they are inside leather gloves..after only ten minutes outside!!!

"Snow Art" by Wind

Tell me do we get inside the garage???

Our neighbors to the NE of us blaze a trail in the fresh fallen snow...

Calm "after" the storm...

The "Orange and Blue Ball"...

Prince Nitschke...

Close-up of a snowflake on my nose...

Molly took my toy...

I soooo handsome...

Molly with a huge icicle she found "outside" and snuck "inside"...

The chicken's stretch their legs on fresh marsh hay layed down by yours truly!!! They only make it outside if the temperature is in the mid to high teens with little to no wind!!!

Can I PLEASE come in now???

Nitschke keeping a close eye on his ball while he eats...

Monday, January 24, 2011

Balmy temperatures finally arrive this morning in NE Wisconsin...

This morning we awoke to a balmy 20 degrees with a wind chill of 6 degrees!!! Wow, we FINALLY have some decent weather!!! Well, I guess it is all relative, right???

Yesterday morning, we were still in the single digits in the morning...according to The Weather, we were at 2 degrees with a wind chill of -10 degrees when we were up and about yesterday!!! The dogs don't seem to mind it though...but then again, they're labradors, so I guess that explains that!!!

The chicken's definitely realize how cold it has been...typically, they try and come outside when I open their large door to go inside to feed them...but not the last few days...they didn't even show any interest in going outside...and who said chicken's are dumb??? Not me!!! Inside the coop, it has gotten down to 0 degree's, even with the heat lamp that I keep on 24/7...I rolled up some foam and have been covering up the air vent at night to trap the heat inside the coop, so hopefully they appreciate that!!! Russell crows at us when we are inside the coop feeding them, so I take that as a "thank you"!!! I have also been adding additional pine shavings and not removing any because I read that their droppings will compost, thereby generating some additional heat...I continue to learn...

And finally, if you didn't already know....The Packer's are heading to the Super Bowl again!!! Couldn't have been a better team to beat than our friends down South, Da Bears!!!

Just give me a comfy couch, the t.v. remote and I'm happy Molly...

One of many looks from Maggy...This one is her "curious" look...

Would someone please tell Molly to give me back my orange ball PLEASE!!!

Molly tackling Nitschke in the snow...pre-orange ball removal from mouth move...

Frisbee time...I'm such a ham...

Our mini-egg...

Part of our small flock enjoying some sunshine and leg stretching...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Starting My Week...

Had a beautiful skies both days...and "somewhat" mild temperatures (for da Midwest yah know)...the two-leggers (chickens) and four-leggers (dogs) loved it!!! This morning I was "supposed" to fly to Atlanta and then onto Newport News Virginia...BUT...Old Man Winter had other plans for single handedly wreak havoc on the Southeastern part of the United States...maybe still some bad blood from the South still holding onto so many Confederate Flags...don't know...just a guess!!! Hahahaha....that was stupid!!! Guess I'm listening to "too much" Skynrd these days!!!

Anyhow...whatever!!! Oh wait...forgot to mention the weekend was highlighted by the Packer's beating the Eagle's!!! On to Atlanta next week...woooohoooo!!!


Silo horizon...

You going to throw the "orange ball" for me???

You take too long two-legger...I will put my "orange ball" in the chucker MYSELF!!!

Calendar boy!!! The girl doggies love this pose!!!

Protectin' my favorite frisbee during nap time...

Russell Crow enjoying some "out of coop" time...
