So, you learned a new term tonight...not "sucks", you already knew what that meant..."peripheral blogging" from the blogonary (I just made that up)...simply put, the ability to blog while doing something this case, watching the Packers losing to the Bears at halftime...arghhhhhhh...who says a guy can't multi-task???
Well, we made some headway in "draft-proofing" Coop-de-Ville yesterday, and the resident's reported a "less than drafty" overnight!!! The second generation of Coop-de-Ville, "Coop-de-Condo" will begin next Spring when the renovation of the existing 10 x 12 garden shed takes shape!!! The resident's are already clucking with excitement over the news!!! I crack myself up...
More good news, we're getting three to four eggs per day!!! Pretty soon we'll have enough to share with the neighbors...
And finally, even BETTER news!!! Found the source of the "dead animal" stench in the garage (sorry no pictures), a field mouse had gotten inside and for whatever reason...decided to die and started stinking something fierce!!! It's surprising how such a small little shit of a rodent can stink SOOOOO bad!!! When we first moved in, I purchased a few of these electric devices you plug into the wall that emit sound waves that supposedly deter rodents from entering the building...Perhaps it kills them too...not sure, but who less rodent is a good thing!!!
Doorway framed in to prevent door drafts..."hopefully"
Shuttered window opened up (used attic window with glass on left, screen on right for ventilation)
Nice fit...should reduce, if not eliminate drafts through the window...
"Sponge Bob Egg Pants" of the girls dropped him during the night, landed on the "poop" tray...he literally feels like a sponge ball...
You talkin' to me???..YOU TALKIN' TO ME???

New camo tarp, it's vogue in the chicken community...
The "kids"...looks like they are up to somethin'
Wasp!!! They're the real deal man...not the White Anglo Saxon Protestant type...
Probably our last basket of veggies for the season...
Bucket of garden fresh chicken treats with "bugs on the side"...Lucky chicken's!!!
Sunflower seeds galore...
Nice melon' pun intended... ;-P
Peace...R Dean