Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tater's, Snake's and THE Wind...

Headed down to the garden tonight... (sounds like the beginning of a country song)...I wanted to dig up our potato's, find out if any of 'em made it!!! And low and behold, VIOLA...after a few soil intrusions from our handy pitch fork, we struck gold!!! Got twenty-four of them after all was said and done (we had to stop because of the darkness), but fortunately, we still have a few plants left to dig up (tomorrow)!!! But with our newfound mother lode came "reptile-mania"...I caught four baby garter snakes and what I think was either a juvenile Eastern Hognose or Western Fox based on its coloring, but I'm not entirely sure, but it was a BEAUTY, all found beneath the hay in our potato patch!!! I gingerly tossed each one out of the patch and into high grass where they "hopefully" found safe refuge.

And finally...THE Wind...Our farm has been living up to its name over the last several days!!! Last night, the wind did a number on our pop-up trailer, breaking the new "shepard hook" aluminum pole that keeps the larger of the two end beds taut. I thought about putting it down, but didn't...Wow, had I known the gusts would have exceeded 40mph, I would have done it in a heart beat...but, everything works out, doesn't it??? Come to find out, the portion that broke this time was the piece I had left over from the last time the pole broke!!! YEAH!!! Fixed with no out-of- pocket expense for the pole or a wasted trip to Green Bay to pick it up!!!

Da lone tomato, left to fend for himself in a world of vegetable profiling by dirty potato's...AHHHHH...


  1. Taters looking good! Ours didn't make it. :(
    The snakes would have freaked me out. I'm not afraid of snakes. I just don't like them to startle me. lol

  2. I have to echo small farm girl, snakes don't scare me either, it's just that they suddenly appear! No fair!

    Taters look tasty! Were they?

