Monday, September 13, 2010

Egging 1 for 3...

If you know about batting averages in baseball, you know that the more hits you get per times at bat raises your batting average significantly, while in contrast, the less hits you get per times at bat lower's your batting average...Well, I'm feeling like we are heading for a slump (baseball lingo for not gettin' any hits or "eggs")...

Today Jan found another egg in the nesting box, only to discover it had cracked or had been cracked.....ARGHHHHHH!!!!

So now, we are "egging" 1 for 3, which is .333%....not really that impressive, unless you are playing in the Major League...

Well, hopefully tomorrow...better luck...and NO broken eggs...we have egg carton's just standing by to house fresh eggs...


  1. Have you been giving your chicks any oyster shells for the calcium? It could be that the shells are thin on the ones that they are laying. We feed ours the crushed oyster shells and of course grit. We havent had any problems with thin shells or breaking eggs (at least outside now I just broke one yesterday - I think it was alive I really do cause it just jumped out of my hands I tell ya). I also put some wooden eggs in the nest boxes.

  2. Denise, thanks for reply...yes, I sprinkle oyster shells and course grit each time I fill up their food container...maybe I need to increase it a bit...??? I also put white plastic golf balls in each of the nesting boxes...Let's hope this isn't a pattern...

  3. We have a separate feeder for the oyster shells and grit for them. They pick at it as they want to and that way we can actually see how much they are actually using. They go through quite a bit during the month. Maybe they are confused with the golf balls...they lay brown eggs right? Have they given you the chicken eye yet? (looking at you with one eye) Cause apparently they have you wrapped around their little toes (just like us) lol. We have pampered chicks...

