Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Egging 2 for 4...

Well...our average is going up...yeah!!!! Jan got another egg today (the non-cracked type...whew)!!! Thanks to all of your feedback, I have taken your advice and increased their oyster shell supplement so hopefully that will help out...

Here are some pics I hope you enjoy!!!

Peace R Dean...

Nitschke crashed...

Cool sky...

Okay...why you takin' a picture of ME???

Random flowers...

Mirror image...Maggy (left) and Molly (right)

I got my eye's closed...okay...where is my surprise???

There it is...!!!

Keepin' an eye on our power consumption...Frugal Maggy...

It's "play time" with da mama...

Snout "close-up"...

Molly girl...aka "da mama"...

Our first pumpkin...

Ah ha!!! Caught in the "act"...the infamous "waterer pooper"!!!


  1. Yeah for an uncracked egg Boooo On the water pooper!Lol Maybe she has a grudge against the flock and is trying to poison them? Hens can be vindictive!

  2. Our old hens lay a cracked egg now and again, but not so much after we started mixing some layer feed in with their corn. The oyster shell is a good supplement as well. Putting a little extra straw/grass/hay in their laying boxes also helps to cushion the "blow" and minimize breakage. Looks like you are off to a good start. Love the pics -- your kids are gorgeous. :)

  3. Tonia...Maybe...kinda like a woman, huh??? haha There is one hen that chases the others...me, I can't tell most of them apart, except for Blondie...

  4. Nancy, the hay sounds like a good idea, may try that...makes sense it would cushion it...will let you know...Today we got another good one...keeping our fingers crossed!!! Thanks...R Dean

  5. Thanks SFG!!! We think so too...but we are partial to dogs..hahaha....

